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The 5-Fold




6 Weeks


About the Course

5-Fold ministry training is a specialized program designed to equip individuals for their roles within the ministry. It focuses on the five-fold ministry gifts mentioned in the Bible (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers) and aims to develop their skills, knowledge, and character to effectively serve and lead in their respective areas.

During this training, participants delve deep into the biblical foundations and principles of the five-fold ministry. They learn about the unique roles and responsibilities associated with each gift, understanding how they function individually and collectively within the body of Christ.

The program also emphasizes practical training, equipping individuals with the necessary tools to effectively fulfill their calling. They are taught how to develop and use their spiritual gifts, how to minister to others, and how to handle various aspects of leadership, such as preaching, teaching, counseling, and administration.

Moreover, 5-Fold ministry training fosters personal and spiritual growth. Participants are encouraged to cultivate a strong relationship with God, deepening their understanding of His Word and their ability to discern His voice. Character development is emphasized, with an emphasis on integrity, humility, servant leadership, and accountability.

Throughout the training, participants have the opportunity to learn from experienced mentors and seasoned ministers who provide guidance, support, and impartation. They are also encouraged to engage in practical ministry experiences, such as outreach programs, special services, to apply and sharpen their skills in real-life contexts.

Overall, 5-Fold ministry training equips individuals with the necessary knowledge, skills, and spiritual foundation to effectively fulfill their calling in the ministry. It prepares them to impact their communities, shepherd God's flock, and advance God's kingdom through the manifestation of the five-fold ministry gifts.

Your Instructor

Apostle Dedron K. Jordan

Apostle Dedron K. Jordan possesses exceptional skills in training and equipping individuals for the purposes of the 5-Fold ministry. With a deep understanding of the biblical principles and teachings, combined with his extensive experience in ministry, he has mastered the art of imparting knowledge and practical wisdom to others.

Apostle Jordan's dedication to the development and advancement of individuals in the 5-Fold ministry is evident in his ability to effectively communicate complex theological concepts in a clear and concise manner. His teachings resonate with students from all walks of life, enabling them to grasp the core principles and operate in their God-given gifts and roles.

Through his dynamic training sessions, Apostle Jordan creates a nurturing environment where individuals can both learn and grow. His unique blend of theoretical insights and practical applications offers a holistic approach to training, ensuring that learners not only acquire knowledge but also develop crucial skills required for fulfilling their calling.

Additionally, Apostle Jordan's passion for mentorship goes beyond the classroom setting. He invests personally in the lives of those under his guidance, providing personalized support, guidance, and accountability. This personalized approach allows him to identify the specific strengths and weaknesses of each individual, tailoring the training to suit their unique needs and maximize their potential.

Apostle Dedron K. Jordan's impact is far-reaching, as he has successfully equipped countless individuals to walk confidently in their roles within the 5-Fold ministry. His commitment to excellence, coupled with his expertise and anointing, makes him a highly sought-after trainer in this field. Those privileged to be trained by Apostle Jordan can attest to the transformational and empowering experience that enables them to effectively serve God and impact their communities._

Apostle Dedron K. Jordan
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