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Obispo John L. Jones

Obispo auxiliar de política y procedimiento

The Bishop/Overseer of Policy and Procedure is appointed by and/or dismissed by the Chief Presiding Prelate/International Presiding Bishop and ratified by The Bishop & Overseer Council.. 

This position is concerned with the entire personnel of COEGN and works to assure and ensure that the policy and procedures as dictated mandated and approved by the Chief Presiding Prelate/International Presiding Bishop are followed, enforced by the proper persons of responsibility, and addressed by the proper persons of responsibility. The Bishop/Overseer of Policy and Procedure is the print person for Manual reference and administrative protocol as it relates to and pertains to administrative procedure. The Bishop/Overseer of Policy and Procedures works as an immediate advisor to The Bishop & Overseer Council. and sits in advisory position for administrative purposes.  

The Bishop/Overseer of Policy and Procedure is authorized to bring all matters of violation to the attention of the violator and then to the 3rd Presiding Bishop and The Bishop & Overseer Council. if deemed necessary. The violator will initially receive a verbal warning that is documented by the Bishop/Overseer of Policy and Procedure. A second violation of the same offense will result in a written warning being given to the violator with a copy to the 3rd Presiding Bishop. A third violation will result in disciplinary actions being recommended by the Bishop/Overseer of Policy and Procedure to the 3rd Presiding Bishop and The Bishop & Overseer Council.. 

The duties and responsibilities are as follows: 

  1. Develop the responsibilities and appointments to the desire of the Chief Presiding Prelate/International Presiding Bishop as they are appointed 

  2. Fully aid in training and developing those individuals to the understanding of their responsibilities as they are appointed 

  3. Aid in the initial development of those newly appointed persons 

  4. Ensure that those who are appointed can train those whom they are in appoint 

  5. Inform and call necessary training meetings as new techniques and materials are available 

  6. Inform appointed personnel of new avenues, opportunities and materials that are available 

  7. Review areas of concern as deemed necessary by the Chief Presiding Prelate/International Presiding Bishop of and/or in their development or lack of activity 

  8. Report to the Chief Presiding Prelate/International Presiding Bishop on areas of lack 

  9. Ensure that updates to the manual are properly understood and disseminated to The Bishop & Overseer Council. and added to the Policy and Procedures Manual 

  10. That post descriptions are immediately formulated for new and additional positions 

  11. That updates are provided to all positions as mandated by the Chief Presiding Prelate/International Presiding Bishop 

  12. That General Executive/Episcopal Orders are made an addendum to the Policy and procedures manual as it relates to the positions of those appointed and their responsibilities 

  13. Advise and assist in the describing, developing, and training of appointed persons 

  14. Advise and recommend, when necessary to the 3rd Presiding Bishop the need for manual update 

  15. Aid in the overseeing and production of the official manual of the Fellowship 

  16. Ensure that proper training has been given to those appointed State and District Overseers before being installed in said positions as deemed necessary by the Regional Bishop. 

  17. Work with the Regional Bishop to ensure that proper training has been completed and make recommendation as to installation 

  18. Work with new appointees during the probationary period to measure growth and effectiveness as it pertains to preparation for installation and permanent positioning 

  19. Develop and formulate a Manual Review Committee for necessary update and procedural operatives for the future of the Fellowship Manual 

  20. Ensure that technological advances are available and utilized for updating of the Manual 

  21. Keep an archival library of the Policy and Procedure manuals for the history of the Fellowship 

(469) 810-1783

Obispo John L. Jones
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