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Apostle Dedron K. Jordan

Chief Presiding Prelate & Establishmentarian
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Apostle Dedron K. Jordan: A Visionary for Kingdom Leadership

A Heart Aligned with God | Empowering Leaders | Discerning Potential


Apostle Dedron K. Jordan epitomizes a heart devoted to God’s purpose. His genuine care for God’s people fuels his passion for leadership development.  As an apostolic influencer, he skillfully guides leaders toward their divine assignments, ensuring they fulfill their God-given destinies.  He sees beyond the surface; unveiling Kingdom Worth.


Apostle Dedron possesses a unique gift—an eye to discern potential in others. He not only identifies latent abilities but also assists leaders in shedding external layers that obscure their true value. His commitment lies in empowering Kingdom leaders to rise, fully embracing their worth as ambassadors of God’s eternal purpose.

In the tapestry of Kingdom leadership, Apostle Dedron weaves threads of purpose, authenticity, and lasting impact.

Apostle Dedron is an Apostolic Entrepreneur, Visionary Leader, and a Kingdom Builder. Apostle Dedron K. Jordan is also a trailblazer—an apostolic entrepreneur who fearlessly births distinct ministries, pioneering paths that no one else has tread. His compass? The ever-moving current of God’s purpose in the present moment.


The Heart of COEGN: Gathering, Supporting, and Empowering

At the core of Apostle Dedron’s heart lies COEGN (Community of Encouragement and Growth Network). His vision for COEGN is simple yet profound: to gather God’s people, providing unwavering support, encouragement, and apostolic and prophetic covering. He longs to witness growth within the body of believers, nurturing leaders who bear lasting fruit (John 15:16).


A Journey of Miracles and Purpose

With 28 years of ministry under his belt, Apostle Dedron has witnessed miracles, signs, and wonders. His prayer is that all connected to COEGN share in this same mantle—a divine partnership for Kingdom expansion.


Apostolic Father and Digital Creator

Apostle Dedron wears multiple hats. As an apostolic father, he nurtures and guides emerging leaders, propelling them into their God-given assignments. His discerning eye identifies potential, helping others birth what God has intentionally placed within them. Moreover, he skillfully peels away outer layers, revealing the true value and worth of Kingdom ambassadors. But there’s more: Apostle Dedron is also a digital creator. He possesses the unique ability to birth diverse types of ministries, always attuned to the Spirit’s leading. His past experiences and wisdom serve as catapults, propelling him in the right direction.


From Garland to Global Impact

Born and raised in Dallas, Texas, Apostle Dedron emerged as a peculiar child—one who preferred playing church over toys or games. His affinity for music began in the womb, and by age 7 or 8, he was already singing solos in local churches. Music lessons followed, and at 12, he became a staffed musician at New El Bethel Baptist Church.

Glory Temple Church, under the late Bishop Jimmy & Bertha Brown, marked a pivotal season. At 15, Apostle Dedron surrendered his life to the Lord and heard the call to preach the gospel. Later, Victory Through Jesus Christ Christian Church beckoned, where he faithfully served as a musician and singer.


Shekinah Revival Miracle Temple: A Birthplace of Miracles

In 2008, Apostle Dedron planted Shekinah Revival Miracle Temple in North Dallas. There, revival, miracles, deliverance, and restoration unfolded in the lives of God’s people. Consecrated as a Bishop in 2009, he soon received a divine commission as an Apostle through a vision.


Prevailing Church and the Birth of COEGN

In 2012, Apostle Dedron moved to Oklahoma City, joining Prevailing Church as a musician and Youth Pastor. His roles evolved, culminating in his leadership as Campus Pastor of the Dallas Prevailing Church plant in 2017.

COVID brought change. Apostle Dedron temporarily closed the Dallas branch, seeking renewal through prayer and consecration. Then, a vision—an interconnected network of iChurches in commercial spaces—ushered in COEGN. In a vision, Eagles were launched, and the Kingdom expanded.


Apostle Dedron K. Jordan: A man after God’s own heart, birthing destinies, and leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of faith. Apostle Dedron’s journey is one of purpose, faith, and unwavering commitment to God’s call. 


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